Every year, DRM establishes priorities.

Our priorities are informed by feedback received through surveys and public outreach and guide our individual and systemic work for the year.

DRM’s 2024 priorities are:

Eliminate Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation

People with disabilities will be safe from abuse, neglect, and exploitation and will be guaranteed basic personal rights.

Reduce the Use of Guardianship

People with disabilities will be free from guardianship and supported to exercise and use less restrictive alternatives.

Improve Access to Disability-Related Supports and Services

People with disabilities will be afforded due process with regard to decisions that reduce, eliminate or restrict their rights and the services they receive.

Increase Access to Competitive Integrated Employment

People with disabilities will have access to employment and employment services in integrated settings and without being subjected to unlawful disability-based discrimination.

Challenge Housing Discrimination

People with disabilities will receive the services they need to live in the community in the most integrated setting possible and to direct their own services and supports whenever possible.

People with disabilities will live in safe, accessible, and affordable housing.

Increase Access to Inclusive Education

Children with disabilities will have access to a free and appropriate education in the least restrictive environment, will not be restrained or placed in seclusion, and will have effective transition planning.

Ensure Access to Voting

Individuals with disabilities will be ensured full participation in the electoral process.

How Can We Help?

Contact us anytime. DRM wants to hear from you. Whether you’re looking for advocacy, have a question, or just want to connect, please reach out.

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