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Developmental Services Grievance Training – April

April 9 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

This virtual training is designed for both case managers and individuals receiving Developmental Services through the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The training will provide a clear overview of the Developmental Services Grievance Process, ensuring that individuals understand how to effectively file a grievance, advocate for their rights, and navigate the different levels of review.

Participants will learn:

  • What qualifies as a grievance and when to file one.
  • The roles and responsibilities of case managers, providers, and DHHS during the grievance process.
  • Step-by-step guidance for filing a grievance — from Level I (informal case manager resolution) to Level III (formal administrative hearing).
  • How case managers and people receiving services can navigate the process, including documentation, communication, and ensuring concerns are heard and addressed.
  • Key timelines, important forms, and how to escalate concerns if necessary.
  • How Disability Rights Maine (DRM) can assist during the grievance process.

This training will emphasize empowerment, advocacy, and ensuring fairness, equipping case managers with tools to support clients while also helping individuals receiving services understand how to self-advocate when their rights, services, or safety are impacted.

Register now!

If you need accommodations to participate, please register by April 2, 2025. If you need assistance registering, contact Julia Endicott at jendicott@drme.org or by phone at 207-626-2774 ext 212.

Can’t make the April date? DRM will be offering this training again on May 7th and June 11th.

