Mental Health Advocacy

DRM provides advocacy services to individuals with mental illness under the federal PAIMI program.  The federal PAIMI statute and regulations provides that the rights of individuals with mental illness are to be protected through activities that ensure the enforcement of their rights under the Constitution and Federal and State statutes, to investigate instances of abuse and neglect and to engage in outreach and monitoring activities. DRM provides these services to individuals in the community and in institutional settings. 

Additionally, DRM has contracts to provides full time on site mental health advocacy services at two inpatient psychiatric hospitals: Dorothea Dix Psychiatric Center, located in Bangor, and Riverview Psychiatric Center, located in Augusta.

 DRM's Recent Work

DRM Enforces Right to Telephone Access

DRM received a complaint from an individual who was not able to make private telephone calls while staying at a mental health community crisis unit.  The individual wanted to be able to talk with her various medical providers without the staff hearing her private conversations. DRM contacted the mental health agency that operated the crisis residences and they agreed to purchase a cordless telephone so that residents in the future would be able to make private telephone calls.  The agency also agreed to provide training to staff to ensure that all residents were made aware of their right to be able to make private telephone calls.

DRM Advocates for Individual to Return Home

A 35 year old man with mental illness was living in a licensed mental health community residence.  The man went to the emergency room and was later transferred to a psychiatric hospital.  Staff at the community residence informed the man that he was being discharged from his home and could not return to the residence.  He had no other place to go and was facing the possibility of an extended long term hospitalization.  DRM staff intervened and educated the staff at the residence on the legal rights he possessed regarding his housing.  After being educated on his rights, the staff then agreed to have the man discharged back to his home at the residence. 


Supported Decision-Making Basics

Supported Decision-Making (SDM), often used as an alternative to guardianship, recognizes that people with decision-making challenges can retain their decision-making capacity by using supports to help them make choices.

Learn how SDM can be used to help preserve a person's autonomy and independence, while still providing the person with support from family, friends, and community. Additionally, this training will provide a brief history of SDM and include information about exciting changes to Maine's guardianship law, which now requires SDM and other less restrictive alternatives to be considered prior to ordering guardianship.

Co-presenters: Kile Pelletier, Program Associate, Speaking Up for Us & Staci Converse, Managing Attorney, Disability Rights Maine


Supported Decision-Making Handbook

The Complete Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits

From the website: "Developing a disability can be frustrating for many reasons, and the inability to work is one of the hardest things to deal with. In the U.S., 12.8% of people are disabled, and more than half of them (51%) are within the prime working ages of 18-54, according to an annual report funded by the NIDILRR, and the employment rate of disabled individuals ranges from 27.4% to 54% between the states. This leaves many unemployed, and not being able to work leads to depression and the feeling of being a burden on your family and loved ones.

Fortunately, disability benefits provided by the Social Security Administration can offer relief, giving a disabled person back their agency and dignity, though many are unaware of the rules and qualifications regarding the available benefits.

That’s why we’ve compiled this guide: to provide everything you need to know on the topic in a clear, concise manner. We’ll cover the available benefits, necessary qualifications for different age groups, how benefits are paid out, alternative sources of benefits, and more. After reading, acquiring the benefits that you deserve will be a whole lot easier."

This guide was developed by, and is available at,

Advance Health Care Directives for Planning Mental Health Care

Advance directives have been used in the field of general health care for several years.They were originally called “living wills”. They are now available to direct mental health care as well.Advance directives for mental health care are fairly new.

This manual is designed to help you:

  • Learn more about an advance directive for mental health care.
  • Decide whether you want one.
  • Develop an advance directive for mental health care.
  • Use your advance directive for mental health care.

Your Rights in Maine’s Community Crisis System

This brochure provides an overview of your rights when accessing telephone, walk-in and mobile crisis services in the community.

Your Rights in Crisis Stabilization Units

This brochure provides basic information about what to expect when accessing services in a crisis stabilization unit ("crisis residence").

How to File a Grievance Against a Community Mental Health Provider

Are you unhappy with your (adult) community mental health services? Download this brochure to learn how you can address your concerns through the grievance process.

The AMHI Consent Decree - A Primer

This document provides an overview of the AMHI Consent Decree.  It was developed by Kevin Voyvodich, managing attorney, for the Joint Standing Committee on Health & Human Services.

Peer Recovery Training Manual

This manual provides a menu of program options that support efforts to promote recovery, and improve patient experience and outcomes.

A Basic Guide to Self-Advocacy

This manual is intended to provide a simple yet informative overview of how to be a self-advocate. This manual is not a substitute for legal advice. If you have specific questions or need assistance with a particular issue, please contact Disability Rights Maine.
