The Children’s Advocacy Program at Disability Rights Maine serves children and young adults with disabilities, along with their families, as they navigate education, behavioral health treatment, and the transition to adulthood.

DRM often uses systemic approaches for issues impacting children and young adults. This helps us resolve problems for the most number of people within our resources.

Learn more about the rights that exist for children.

Children’s and Education Rights

Engaging in public education and outreach.

Transition to Adulthood

Engaging in public education and outreach.

Systemic Initiatives

Maine Family Engagement Survey

The Statewide Family Engagement Center for Maine, Consortium for Engaging Families Across Maine (CEFAM) is asking families to take this short survey to help shape future programs and resources. You can enter to win a $50 gift certificate after completing the...

Centering Youth Voice in Treatment

Adults make decisions for kids all the time. What time they wake up, what they eat for breakfast, how much TV they can watch, if they can hang out with their friend after school. Almost every aspect of a child’s life is predetermined by the adults providing care...

Bullying in Schools: Strategies for Effective Intervention

When you think of bullying, you may picture a bigger student demanding lunch money from a smaller student at the back of a bus.  Or, perhaps a demeaning comment made by one student about another’s clothing in a high school hallway.  In reality, bullying is often...

How Can We Help?

Contact us anytime. DRM wants to hear from you. Whether you’re looking for advocacy, have a question, or just want to connect, please reach out.

By Phone
