The Developmental Disability Advocacy Program at Disability Rights Maine works to center the voice, choice, and independence of people with developmental disabilities and autism across Maine.

This is DRM’s longest running program and was the first program authorized by the federal government as a response to widespread abuse and neglect exposed in the 1970s.

Learn more about disability rights by topic!

Two young men smile!
The band Blue Room Frankenstein performing at Disability Pride 2023.

Systemic Initiatives

Video Release: Challenging the Guardianship System

DRM's latest advocacy video highlights a critically important topic: Guardianship Reform Thanks to DRM's self-advocate partners and our partners at Speaking Up For Us for helping to put this video together. Video Production: Catama Productions ASL...

Self-Employment for ME Business Class

The Office of Aging and Disability Services will be offering FREE business classes over Zoom for individuals who are interested in launching their own small business. The business class series is being offered as part of the Self-Employment for ME Pilot Project and...

Unlock the Power of Person-Centered Planning

Are you a provider agency looking for training? Join DRM to unlock the power of person-centered planning. Empower your clients with this dynamic, one-hour training, led by a passionate self-advocate who's been there! The self-advocate, who recently completed an...

Survey on Services for Autism in Maine

On behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services, the Cutler Institute at the University of Southern Maine is conducting a survey of people with autism spectrum disorder and their families to find out how you feel about the services you receive in Maine’s...

DRM Recognized for Work to End Sexual Violence

Disability Rights Maine was recently honored by the Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MECASA) and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) for our work to address sexual violence for people with disabilities. We are humbled and honored to receive...

SAAM 2023: Emphasis on Survivors with Disabilities

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), and this year the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) has made the theme of this year’s SAAM Drawing Connection: Prevention Demands Equity. As the State of Maine’s Protection & Advocacy organization...

New and Innovative Employment Options Called for in 2022

In the wake of the series of massive and ubiquitous changes which the global COVID-19 pandemic has wrought to nearly every area of life, an opportunity for people with disabilities to enforce their right to work has emerged. The United States is facing an historic...

How Can We Help?

Contact us anytime. DRM wants to hear from you. Whether you’re looking for advocacy, have a question, or just want to connect, please reach out.

By Phone
