Learn about Maine Relay Speech-to-Speech!

Posted on July 02, 2020

  • Are you tired of struggling to be understood over the phone?
  • Want to be free to communicate anytime from anywhere?

There is a solution. Try Speech-to-Speech (STS) Relay, a free, confidential service for people with a speech disability. Maine Relay STS provides one-on-one support for telephone calls. A specially trained STS operator simply listens to the conversation and repeats your message, whenever needed. There is no special equipment needed- STS can be used from any telephone. (Spanish language relay is also available).

Watch Andy's Story

How Does it Work?

Dial 877.787.2660 to reach Sprint’s STS Service from anywhere in the United States.

How Much Does it Cost?

This service is FREE and available 24/7.

How Can I Learn More?

  • Check out DRM’s events calendar for a list of upcoming Zoom presentations.

How Can I Schedule an Appointment or Presentation?


Debra Bare-Rogers, TRS Advocate

Disability Rights Maine
207.797.7656, Ext.113 (V/CapTel)
207.766.7111 (VP)

Note: As of 4/21/2020 appointments and presentations are conducted remotely via Zoom.

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