CONTACT: Julia Endicott
February 5, 2025
Disability Rights Maine Releases 2024 Election Report
Augusta – Today, Disability Rights Maine released a report, which provides an overview of the agency’s efforts in 2024 to ensure disabled voters have equal access to vote.
In the leadup to the General Election, DRM engaged in an extensive outreach and training campaign to raise awareness about voting rights among disabled voters and election officials. On Election Day, DRM staff visited 210 polling places in all 16 Maine counties to conduct accessibility reviews. DRM found that while serious violations, like a lack of accessible entrance, were rare, 81% of polling places had one or more probable violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act. When serious issues were reported, either through observation or reports to DRM’s voting access hotline, the majority were quickly resolved.
“We are pleased with the significant improvements made between 2023 and 2024 to improve access to the polls. DRM is grateful for our continued close collaboration with the Maine Department of the Secretary of State, which has been critical to making these advancements possible,” stated Kim Moody, Executive Director.
The report concludes that access to the Accessible Voting System and ADA compliance at municipal owned buildings like Community Centers and Town/City Halls remain statewide problems and will be the focus of continued advocacy in advance of the next election.
Disability Rights Maine is Maine’s Protection & Advocacy organization. Our mission is to advance justice and equality by enforcing rights and expanding opportunities for people with disabilities in Maine.