Disability Awareness Day

Hall of Flags, Maine State House 2 State House Station, Augusta, ME, United States

Join disability advocates from across Maine for Disability Awareness Day at the State House. This is an opportunity to educate and inform legislators about issues impacting Mainers with disabilities. Speak with your legislator or observe a session in action. You can also learn more from the organizations that will be tabling in the Hall of […]

Patrice: The Movie

SPACE 538 Congress St, Portland, ME, United States

Co-presented by Best Buddies, The Art Dept., Double House Arts, the Portland Museum of Art, DRM, and Vertical Harvest Farms Join us for a film screening of the movie Patrice! The film follows a disabled couple in their 50s, Patrice and Garry, who want to marry but risk losing their benefits if they do. Despite […]