COVID-19 Vaccine Information Page

Disability Rights Maine is working to ensure that all Mainers, including people with disabilities, are able to receive COVID-19 vaccines.  This page contains information about the vaccines (Moderna & Pfizer), the latest news from the Governor and Maine CDC, and a listing of vaccine clinics across the state.  

COVID-19 Vaccine Considerations and Changes as of November 28, 2023

Additionally, the Federal Government ended the Public Health Emergency for COVID-19 on May 11, 2023. Learn more about what this means for you by reviewing the Fact Sheet from February 2023. You can also stay up to date on the impact through the Office of MaineCare Services' COVID-19 & Public Health Emergency page.

State of Maine Vaccine Resources & Updates

  • COVID-19 Outpatient Treatments

    COVID-19 treatments are available for individuals who test positive, have symptoms, and are at high risk for a severe COVID-19 infection. Many Mainers remain unaware of the availability of COVID-19 treatments. Our social service partners are helping to educate Maine communities about treatment availability and are connecting individuals to treatment assessments and providers. They continue to work to ensure equitable access to healthcare treatments for all communities throughout Maine.

    For more information about COVID-19 Outpatient Treatments visit this website:

  • Social Supports for Quarantine & Isolation

    Maine’s Community Care program remains committed to offering social supports to those facing barriers to maintaining quarantine or isolation due to Covid-19. Our hours to process referrals are Monday-Sunday 8am-5pm.

    Supports offered in 2022:

    •Emergency groceries and household supplies to cover the duration of quarantine or isolation, if needed/eligible. This may be a standardized food box.

    •Help with filing for other assistance programs, such as Emergency Rental Assistance, utility assistance, fuel assistance, MaineCare, etc.

    •Masks, cleaning supplies, pulse oximeters, thermometers, and other quarantine items

    •Recommendations on how to safely quarantine/isolate at home, and how long to quarantine/isolate

    •Quarantine shelter resources, and necessary transport services (if available in your region)

    •Assistance finding testing and vaccination

    •Cultural supports and interpreters

    •Support for stress and anxiety

    (** This program does not have funds to directly replace lost wages. This program does not provide medical care or assessment but can link you to local providers or your doctor.)

    Submit a referral here; the Community Care team will determine eligibility and match the household with a local agency for support.

  • Quarantine Shelter

    One quarantine shelter remains open in the state, in Lewiston, and will welcome guests (from any part of the state) through May 31, 2022. Quarantine shelters are used by people experiencing homelessness, those living in congregate housing, or in dense or unsafe housing for isolation/quarantine. The shelter accepts both cases and confirmed close contacts. Nurse check-ins, antigen testing, and culturally appropriate food are available on-site. Submit a referral here

    Please note: The quarantine shelter does not provide transportation. The shelter staff and Community Care team will attempt to arrange for transport on a case-by-case basis. Plans should be made to quarantine in place until transport can be arranged—usually same or next day—depending on location in the state.

  • Community Outreach

    Our Community Care partners are continuously creating outreach and education materials about testing, vaccine promotion, COVID-19 safety, and isolation/quarantine guidelines to promote health equity through increased access to information. Many have been translated into numerous languages. To connect and share education materials, email

Vaccine-Specific Information

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine

Vaccine Clinic Planning and Considerations

COVID-19 Informational Videos

Medical Terminology

Free COVID-19 Vaccines and Testing

Another COVID Vaccine??

New COVID-19 Vaccination Guidelines - August 2023

Taking Control of Your Health

COVID Isolation

COVID-19 Variants

Protect Your Health

Flu and COVID-19 Similarities

COVID-19 Vaccines for Children & Teens

COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Questions

Benefits of Getting Vaccinated

Babies and Toddlers Can Now Get Vaccinated!

People with disabilities can access the COVID-19 vaccine


Canadian French


Flu Season is Here

Deaf Mainers Share “Why Vaccinate?"

Deaf community members share their reasons for getting vaccinated against COVID-19, and the importance of vaccines for Maine’s Deaf community. Featuring: Laurel and Jerry Kelly, Deb Bolduc, Regan Thibodeau, and Josh Sheedy. This video is in American Sign Language with English captions. This COVID-19 vaccination public service announcement was produced with funding from the Maine Department of Health and Human Services.

DRM, along with our partner developmental disabilities network organizations - University of Maine Center for Community Inclusion and Disability Studies, Maine Developmental Disabilities Council and Speaking Up For Us - are collaborating on a series of COVID-19 vaccination public service announcements to help increase the vaccination rate among individuals with disabilities and the people who support them.

Abbott Philson

Video #1

Video #2

Michael Nealey

Ryan Brown, Residential Manager, Group Main Stream

Video #1

Video #2

Bethany DeLorenzo, Residential Manager, Group Main Stream

Apollo Karara, Direct Support Professional, Group Main Stream