Accessible Outdoors

For millions across the country and world, Maine is a bastion of natural beauty. Consider Acadia National Park alone, which had an estimated 4 million visitors in 2021. Maine State Parks were not far behind with 3.3 million visitors in 2021. Yet for many people with...

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Winter Update: COVID-19 and Flu Resources and Support

Winter in Maine can be a long few months, especially when it comes to getting sick. Colds, flus, and respiratory illnesses are all more common, and people are indoors more often, making it easier for sickness to spread. With COVID-19, flu, and RSV all increasing in...

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Resources in Response to Tragedy in Lewiston

Following the horrific events in Lewiston last week, Disability Rights Maine (DRM), Pine Tree Legal Assistance (PTLA), and the Volunteer Lawyer’s Project (VLP) are working together to address the legal needs of families impacted by this terrible tragedy. Our...

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