Disability Rights Maine Logo

The Deaf Services Program at Disability Rights Maine serves Maine people statewide who are D/deaf*, Hard of Hearing, Late Deafened, Deaf-Blind (dual sensory loss–sight and sound), or who use signs and gestures to communicate. We also work with agencies and individuals who provide support, services, education, housing or employment to individuals.

*D/deaf indicates both people who do not hear well enough to understand speech and also those who identify as a member of Maine’s Deaf Community–a proud socio-linguistic minority with a shared language, culture, history, art, and life experience.

Deaf Services Programs

Trainings & Upcoming Events

Systemic Initiatives

Preparing for the Polls as a Deaf or Hard of Hearing Voter

Maine will have presidential primaries on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. Voters will decide on candidates participating in the Democratic and Republican primaries. Polling places can be tricky places for communication, especially for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people. Polls...

Captions in a Virtual World – and Beyond!

In 2020, many meetings and conferences shifted from in-person to remote communication. For many of us, that meant using captions for equal access to these events. But what is captioning and what options are available? Captioning makes communication more accessible...

New Maine Law Increases Access to Hearing Aids

On January 1, 2020, Maine became one of only a handful of states that require private insurers to cover the cost of hearing aids for adults. The change is the result of a bill, “L.D. 38 An Act To Require Insurance Coverage for Hearing Aids for Adults,” which was...

How Can We Help?

Contact us anytime. DRM wants to hear from you. Whether you’re looking for advocacy, have a question, or just want to connect, please reach out.

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