Protecting the Disability Vote
All aspects of the voting process must be accessible to people with disabilities under state and federal law. Maine has one of the highest voter turnout rates in the country. To keep it this way, it is critical that eligible individuals in Maine feel empowered to cast their ballots. DRM works diligently to educate people with disabilities on their voting rights and to ensure local and state entities comply with the law.
Do you have questions or concerns about voting access in Maine?
Call DRM at 800.452.1948
Voting Rights Guide
Voting Rights Overview
- You can Register to Vote in Maine if:
- You are a United States citizen;
- Live in a town or city in Maine; and
- Are at least 16 years old.
- If you are registered to vote in Maine, you can vote. You do not need to show ID to get a ballot.
- You may vote by absentee ballot instead of voting in person at the voting place. You do not need a reason to vote by absentee ballot.
- If you are not registered to vote, you can register on Election Day and vote. (You must register in person and must show ID and proof of where you live.)
- You cannot be turned away from your voting place. (If you don’t have ID or proof of where you live, you must be allowed to cast a challenged ballot. You may be asked to show ID after the election.)
- If you are in line at the voting place at 8:00 p.m. on Election Day, you still may register and vote.
- You may see a sample ballot and get help on how to mark your ballot before you vote. You also may ask for help to read or mark my ballot.
- If you make a mistake, you can get a new ballot.
- You have the right to use Maine’s Accessible Voting System (AVS) at your voting place.
- You may not be harassed when voting or be pressured about how to vote.
- If you are under guardianship, you may vote.
Voting Rights Overview
Can I Register to Vote?
You can register to vote in Maine if you:
- Are a citizen of the United States;
- Are a resident of Maine and the county where you plan to register; and
- Are at least 16 years old at the time you register.
Your disability does not affect your right to vote.
Can I Register to Vote?
How do I Register to Vote?
You can register to vote online, by mail, or in-person at your Town/City Clerk’s Office. You can also register to vote at your polling place on election day.
Online Voter Registration:
- Visit the Secretary of State’s online registration portal to sign up.
- To register to vote online, you must know your driver’s license number, state ID number, OR the last four digits of your social security number.
- Online voter registration will close three weeks before every election and reopen the day after an election.
- Online voter registration is not automatic. Your application must be approved by your Town Clerk before you become a registered voter. To ask how long it will take for your voter registration application to be successfully processed, please ask your Town/City Clerk’s Office.
In-Person Voter Registration at Your Town/City Clerk’s Office:
- Locate your Town/City Clerk’s Office.
- Show your Maine driver’s license, Maine State ID OR provide your Social Security Number at the Town/City Clerk’s Office.
- If you prefer, you may instead use your birth certificate, signed social security card, student ID, utility bill, bank statement, or paycheck.
- Complete the voter registration card.
By Mail:
- You can contact your Town/City Clerk to have a voter registration card mailed to you. You can also print out a voter registration application and complete it at home.
- Provide copies of documents that verify your identity and prove you are a Maine resident. Accepted documents include: your driver’s license, State ID, birth certificate, signed social security card, student ID, utility bill, bank statement, or paycheck.
- Mail your application and identity verification documents to your Town/City Clerk.
- Note: If you choose to register by mail, you must register by the close of business 21 days before Election Day.
To learn more about how to register to vote, visit the Secretary of State’s website.
How do I Register to Vote?
Absentee Voting
What Is Absentee Voting and How Does It Work?
- Absentee voting allows you to cast your ballot without going to your polling place on Election Day.
- Any registered voter can cast an absentee ballot.
- You do not need a reason to request an absentee ballot.
- Note: If voting absentee by mail, plan ahead to make sure your ballot is received in time to be counted. The Secretary of State’s Office recommends you request your ballot more than 14 days before an election and you place your completed ballot in the mail 7 days before the election.
How Do I Get an Absentee Ballot?
There are four ways to request an absentee ballot in Maine. If you are a person with a disability or will be 65 years or older by the next election, you are eligible for Ongoing Absentee Voter Status.
- Request a ballot online .
- Call your Town/City Clerk and ask them to mail a ballot to you.
- Go to your Town/City Clerk’s Office and pick up a ballot.
- Visit the Listing of Municipal Clerks & Registrars to learn how to contact your city or town clerk.
- Apply for Ongoing Absentee Voter Status .
Ongoing Absentee Voter Status
As of February 1, 2024, if you have a disability or you will be 65 years or older by the next election, you can request “Ongoing Absentee Voter Status.”
- Once approved, an absentee ballot will automatically be mailed to you for each election.
- To enroll, you must first be a registered voter. Next, complete the form and send or hand deliver it to your Town/City Clerk’s Office.
Please note: If a voter with ongoing absentee ballot status moves out of a municipality, the voter’s ongoing status is also terminated. The voter must submit a new application to the voter’s new residence municipality.
Status as an “Ongoing Absentee Voter” will only be terminated by:
- The written request of the voter;
- The death or disqualification of the voter;
- The cancellation of the voter’s registration in the Central Voter Registration System;
- The return of an absentee ballot by the postal service as undeliverable; or
- The designation of the voter as “inactive” in the Central Voter Registration System.
When Can I Request an Absentee Ballot?
- You can request an absentee ballot starting three months before Election Day. Please note: absentee voting does not start until 30 days before each election.
- The deadline to request an absentee ballot is the Thursday before each election at 5:00pm.
What Is In-Person Absentee Voting?
- This is when you go to your Town/City Clerk’s office and complete your ballot in the office.
- In-person absentee voting begins 30 days before the election
What Is the Deadline for Returning My Absentee Ballot?
- Absentee ballots must be received by your Town/City Clerk by 8:00pm on Election Day.
Absentee ballots received after 8:00pm on Election Day will not be counted.
Absentee Voting
Accessible Voting
You have the right under federal law to vote privately and independently.
- You can request an electronic accessible absentee ballot.
- You can use the Accessible Voting System (AVS) at your polling place on election day.
What Is an Electronic Accessible Absentee Ballot?
- If you have a disability that prevents you from voting privately and independently, you can vote by electronic accessible absentee ballot.
- The electronic accessible absentee ballot is compatible with JAWS, NVDA, and VoiceOver.
- The ballot is requested and completed from an electronic device.
- You must be registered to vote before you request the ballot.
- The instructions on how to receive, complete, and submit your ballot will be emailed to you.
- You can request an electronic accessible absentee ballot online.
What Is Maine’s Accessible Voting System?
Maine uses ExpressVote as its Accessible Voting System (AVS). The ExpressVote:
- Is a ballot-marking device that allows individuals with disabilities to vote with privacy and independence;
- Allows you to choose between a touch screen and a keyboard with audio;
- Marks your selected choices and prints the completed ballot; and
- Is not connected to the internet. The machine does not store your choices.
Learn more about the accessibility features of ExpressVote!
Accessible Voting
What Should I Expect on Election Day?
Where Do I Go to Vote?
- On Election Day, you must go to your polling place to vote.
- Your polling place depends on where you live.
- If you do not know where your polling place is, call your Town/CityClerk’s Office or check online .
Do I Need to Bring Anything with Me When I Go Vote?
- If you are a registered voter, you do not need to bring anything with you to the polling place.
- If you are not registered to vote on Election Day, you must bring a form of identification with you that proves you are a Maine resident.
- If you do not bring identity verification documents, you can cast a provisional ballot. You may be asked to show documents after the election to make sure your vote counts.
How Do I Mark my Paper Ballot?
- You will be provided a pen to mark your ballot.
- Each ballot will explain how to mark your choices.
- If you make a mistake, you may fold your ballot, give it to an election official and ask for a new ballot.
How Do I Ask for Help?
- The people who work at the polling location are called “poll workers.”
- When you check in, ask the poll workers for help.
- You can ask for a poll worker to read the ballot to you. You can also ask for a poll worker to mark your choices on your ballot for you.
- Poll workers can only tell you the instructions on the ballot. They cannot explain the candidates or the ballot items to you.
What Should I Expect on Election Day?
Individuals Under Legal Guardianship
- You have the right to vote if you are under a guardianship.
- Your guardian cannot force you to vote a certain way.
- Your guardian cannot vote for you.
- Your vote is your decision.
- If you are told that you cannot vote, or that you are not allowed to vote alone, or if you are pressured to vote a certain way, contact Disability Rights Maine at 800.452.1948.
Check out this video to learn more about guardianship and voting.
Individuals Under Legal Guardianship
I'm in a Hospital/Facility and I Can't Leave. How Do I Vote?
- If you know you will be in a facility on the day of an election, vote by absentee ballot. Request the ballot from the Town/City Clerk’s Office where you live.
- If you are unexpectedly in a facility within four days of an election, you can vote utilizing the “Special Circumstances Ballot.” To retrieve a Special Circumstances Ballot, call your Town/City Clerk .
I'm in a Hospital/Facility and I Can't Leave. How Do I Vote?
I Don't have a Permanent Address, Can I Vote?
Yes. If you don’t have a permanent address or are unhoused, you can still vote.
- If you don’t have documents proving your identity or residence, you can register to vote by providing the last four digits of your social security number.
- If you don’t have any of these forms of documentation, please contact DRM’s Voting Access Advocate for assistance at 800.452.1948.
- For your address, document the location where you have been sleeping, whether that is a shelter or a specific area outside.
I Don't have a Permanent Address, Can I Vote?
Voting Rights Violation
If you believe your voting rights were violated, contact DRM! You can call 800.452.1948 or complete our online intake form.
If you believe your right to vote independently and privately at your polling place was violated, you can file a complaint with the Secretary of State’s Office. The Voting Access Advocate from DRM can assist you with this process.
Voting Rights Violation
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I get transportation to the polls?
A: If you want to vote in person on Election Day, plan ahead: ask family, friends, or your service provider for a ride. If you want to vote in person on election day and you can’t get a ride from your service provider, please contact DRM.
If you know you won’t have transportation to the polls, consider voting by absentee ballot.
Q: How do I get transportation to the polls?
Q: Can I find out if I'm already registered to vote?
A: Yes. To find out if you are already registered to vote, you can contact your Town/City Clerk .
Q: Can I find out if I'm already registered to vote?
Q: Can I bring notes with me when I vote?
A: Yes. You can bring notes with you to help make your choices.
You can see what is on your ballot using Vote 411 . There, you can view your ballot beforehand and research the candidates so you are informed when you go to the polls.
Q: Can I bring notes with me when I vote?
Q: Can I bring someone with me to help me?
A: Yes. You may bring an individual to assist you in voting. This person can read the ballot to you and mark your choices. This can be a family member, friend, or service provider. Under the law, this person cannot be your employer or union official.
Q: Can I bring someone with me to help me?
Q: What if I go to the wrong polling place?
A: If you go to the wrong polling place, ask an election official for help. Give the election official your address and ask them where your correct polling place is.
Q: What if I go to the wrong polling place?
Q: What happens if my polling place is not physically accessible and I can't get inside?
A: Call your Town/City Clerk’s Office immediately. Tell the individual who answers the phone that you cannot enter the polling place and you need to vote. If you cannot enter the facility, your ballot must be brought outside to you.
All polling places must be accessible under federal law. If you cannot enter your polling site because of accessibility barriers, please consider promptly alerting Disability Rights Maine at 800.452.1948 or the Elections Division at the Secretary of State’s Office at 207.624.7736.
Q: What happens if my polling place is not physically accessible and I can't get inside?
Q: What happens when I get to my polling place?
A: If the entrance to the polling place is not easily identifiable, there should be signs directing you inside of the building.
You may have to wait in line for a few minutes. If you need assistance, ask a poll worker for help. A poll worker will direct you to the correct check-in table. You will check in at a table that corresponds with the first letter of your last name. At the table, the poll workers will ask you to confirm your name and address. The poll workers will cross you off their list. Then, they will give you your ballot.
Proceed into the voting area. Find an empty booth and complete your ballot. Once your ballot is complete, follow the directions to exit the voting area. Before you leave, you will place your ballot into a scanner. It is this scanner that counts your votes.
Once you have put your ballot into the scanner, you are done!
Q: What happens when I get to my polling place?
Q: How do I ask to use the accessible voting system?
A: You will check in at a table and be asked to confirm your name and address. At this table, tell the poll workers, “I would like to vote using the Accessible Voting System.” You will then be escorted to the machine and provided instructions on how to use it.
Under federal law, the Accessible Voting System must be arranged so you can vote privately. Other voters should not be able to see the screen of the Automatic Voting System. If the machine is not arranged to protect your privacy, ask the poll workers to reposition or move the machine. Do not move the machine yourself.
Q: How do I ask to use the accessible voting system?
Q: What if I make a mistake on my ballot?
A: If you make a mistake on your ballot, you have the right to ask for a new ballot. Get the attention of a poll worker and tell the poll worker you made a mistake and would like a new ballot.
Your ballot with the mistake will not be counted. The ballot will be taken by an election official and placed in a special envelope clearly marked “Spoiled Ballots.”
Q: What if I make a mistake on my ballot?
DRM’s Voter Information Rack Cards
- Can I Vote? (PDF)
- Absentee Voting (PDF)
- What to Know About Accessible Voting in Maine (PDF)
- What to Expect on Election Day (PDF)
AAPD Voting Resources
Self-Advocacy & Voting
From the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN): “On election day, people pick who they want to represent them in elected office. This process is an important part of life in the community. It matters because people who make policy decisions change our everyday lives. Everything from curb cuts to anti-discrimination laws can change based on who holds elected office.
Understanding voting and how to know who to vote for is an important part of living in the community. People with disabilities deserve to understand how to vote. That’s where our new plain language voting toolkit comes in.
The toolkit focuses on the process of voting, and understanding how to prepare to vote on election day. This toolkit answers questions many first time voters have, such as:
- What is voting?
- Why should I vote?
- What’s the difference between a primary election and a general election?
- How does the Electoral College work?
- How do I get ready to vote?
- How can I get disability accommodations when I vote?
Your Vote Counts is available in two versions:
- Our Easy Read Edition. The Easy Read version has three files: the main toolkit, a glossary of all the words used in the toolkit, and a section about voting laws in every state. The Easy Read version uses pictures along with large text, and has more white space.
- A Plain Language Version without accompanying graphics. It includes a full glossary of all the words used in the toolkit, and a separate part about voting laws in every state.
Visit ASAN’s website to download their guide(s)
You can also learn more about self-advocacy and voting from self-advocates in Maine with a video from Community Connect, titled Your Vote, every Vote!
Voter Information Sources: Candidates and Issues
League of Women Voters of Maine – Information and Events
Trainings & Upcoming Events
Election Accessibility for Municipalities
DRM offers trainings to election officials and poll workers on polling place accessibility requirements and the best practices for interacting with voters with disabilities.
Please note, DRM cannot provide legal advice or an official opinion that a polling place is fully accessible. To check that your polling place is in compliance of the law, please utilize the “2016 ADA Polling Place Checklist” published by the United States Department of Justice.
If your municipality would like to receive this training for election staff, please contact DRM.
Systemic Initiatives
Press Release: Disability Rights Maine Releases 2024 Election Report
CONTACT: Julia Endicott 978-877-3871 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 5, 2025 Disability Rights Maine Releases 2024 Election Report Augusta – Today, Disability Rights Maine released a report, which provides an overview of the agency’s efforts in...
DOJ Updates Guidance on how the ADA Applies to Voters with Disabilities
The 2024 Presidential Election is six months away! There are two exciting updates from the U.S. Department of Justice that strengthen access to voting and voting information for people with disabilities. For the first time in 10 years, the U.S. Department of...
Preparing for the Polls as a Deaf or Hard of Hearing Voter
Maine will have presidential primaries on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. Voters will decide on candidates participating in the Democratic and Republican primaries. Polling places can be tricky places for communication, especially for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people. Polls...
What is Question 8?
Maine’s referendum election is November 7th, 2023. Voters will have the opportunity to decide on eight items: four Citizen Initiatives and four Constitutional Amendments. We are getting lots of questions here at Disability Rights Maine about Question 8. So, what is...
Disability Voting Rights Week 2023
The week of September 11th to the 15th is Disability Voting Rights Week! As the new Voting Access Advocate at Disability Rights Maine, I’m thrilled to get to work ensuring Mainers with disabilities can exercise their right to vote. The upcoming year is especially...
Register, Educate, Vote (Rev Up!)
Register, Educate, Vote (Rev Up!). Maine people did so once again in record numbers this midterm election (a general election that takes place in a non-Presidential election year). Maine voters with disabilities were no exception, and Disability Rights Maine worked...
Voting Access a Work in Progress for People with Disabilities
Disability rights activist Justin Dart once said, “vote as if your life depends on it because it does.” Americans have been fighting for their right to vote since the founding of this country. From the elimination of literacy tests and poll taxes, to the passage of...
DRM Provides Voting Information to Individuals in Hospitals, Ensuring Their Right to Participate in the 2020 Election
Susan B. Anthony once said: “Someone struggled for your right to vote. Use it.” However, sometimes “using it” comes with its own struggles. This is certainly true for individuals with disabilities who are patients in psychiatric hospitals. One of DRM’s core...
This information is provided as background information and is not intended as legal advice. If you are a person with a disability with questions about your rights or if you believe you were discriminated against because of disability, contact Disability Rights Maine at 800.452.1948, by email to, or through our online intake form.
How Can We Help?
Contact us anytime. DRM wants to hear from you. Whether you’re looking for advocacy, have a question, or just want to connect, please reach out.